Feasibility Study


The scale and breadth of market-based solutions to the broad development challenges we face today are currently insufficient to be considered as major drivers of social change. It is clear that to work effectively, market-based solutions require access to information and coordination of different stakeholders in order to provide necessary inputs to the markets.

The main thesis of the feasibility study is that “market-creating innovations” can not only create sustainable business models per se, but also catalyze broader change in the market, in the economy and in the society that enable access to products or services that were previously unavailable or unaffordable to large portions of society, especially refugees and least-developed country (LDC) populations. Market-creating innovations should be executed not by focusing on a particular solution, but by mobilizing different stakeholders to catalyse systems change.

The SDG Impact Accelerator aims to accelerate “systems entrepreneurs” for market-creating innovations, initially for refugee populations, and in turn for the LDCs. The systems entrepreneurs will not exclusively include the startups that work towards systems change, but also innovators that work through existing organizations, large for-profit companies, and their networks.

This feasibility study was initiated by the Government of Turkey. Its first stage was jointly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UNDP.

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